Just a heads up - the Quarter 1 test is a week from this Tuesday.  If you study and review you'll be absolutely fine.

We're almost to the end of the first quarter.  Let's push through!

MONDAY: Review the end of the quarter, Intro Spanish Explorers
TUESDAY: Spanish Explorers
WEDNESDAY: LAST Newsday of the Quarter, Finish Spanish Explorers, intro Mountain Men
THURSDAY: Mountain Men
FRIDAY: Backwards Review
This week is really straight forward and really short!  Yay for Fall Break!

MONDAY:  Finish/fine tune Artifact Box
TUESDAY: Presentations
WEDNESDAY: Presentations
THURSDAY: Fall Break!
FRIDAY: Fall Break!

This Monday I will be in school, but not in class.  We will be having a substitute.  Also this week, I'll be introducing a project.  It won't be hard, but it will take some work.

MONDAY: Historic Tribes Matrix
TUESDAY: Shoshone Movie
WEDNESDAY: Finish Historic Tribes, Intro Artifact Box
THURSDAY: Work day - artifact box
FRIDAY: Work day - artifact box

Welcome back from having me be gone for 2 days.  It was hard, but never fear, we will continue on!  This week we will be exploring the world of the ancient peoples of Utah.  We will learn about the prehistoric (before recorded history) tribes and how they learned to live in Utah.  Note: this week there is NO SCHOOL ON FRIDAY.  This is due to the Student Led Conference occurring Wednesday and Thursday after school.

MONDAY: TEST part 2 (Identification)
TUESDAY: Native American Matrix
THURSDAY: Fremont & Anasazi